
If it can wait, it's primary care

A lot of healthcare needs are not urgent or emergencies and are the types of things you would normally talk to a GP, nurse or pharmacist about. Find out more about primary care in this video.

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Calling a General Practitioner (GP) or family doctor is a good place to start.

GPs can direct you to the appropriate service depending on your situation or treat you during your consultation. If you’re unable to see a GP, there are other health services available or call 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84) to speak to a registered nurse.

General Practitioner (GP)

GPs can treat many general conditions, such as viruses, infections, respiratory illnesses, wounds, sprains, rashes, stings and aches. Some areas may have after-hours GP clinics or night GPs who come to your home view our after-hours services.


Pharmacies can help with many basic health concerns, such as cold and flu symptoms, skin irritations, allergies, headaches, diarrhoea and constipation. Some areas may have late night or 24-hour pharmacies.

Other health services

For other non-urgent health concerns, there may be other health services that can support you. Find out your options here.

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Mental health support is close by

Specialist mental health support services are available for those living in the greater Brisbane area. Take the time to ensure your wellbeing is looked after.

Available healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres 
Strait Islander peoples

Access culturally safe advice and healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through these local health services. 

Find healthcare services for mob

  • 7.00 am to 8.00 pm, 365 days

Mob Link connects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to culturally safe healthcare services in South-East Queensland. Visit their website or call 1800 254 354.

Brisbane ATSICHS and Moreton ATSICHS Clinics

A range of medical clinics across Greater Brisbane offer a comprehensive range of medical and clinical services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders peoples.

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Get health advice and care anytime, day or night.

Sickness and injury can happen anytime, often at unusual hours. After-hours health services may be available when most services are closed.

Not sure what kind of healthcare you might need?

For health advice available anytime, day or night, select one of the two options.