It's now 5:45pm and outside many healthcare services operating hours. Find your nearest after-hours service
After-hours services

What is after-hours care?

Sickness or injury can strike at any time. If your local doctor's (GP or family doctor) clinic or pharmacy is closed, an after-hours service can provide the help and care you need.

Confused moon face

For any immediate danger or life-threatening situation:

After-hours doctor (GP)

Some areas may have after-hours GP clinics or night GPs who can come to your home. Use the healthdirect service finder below or call 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84) speak to a registered nurse.

Find urgent care services open near you

  • 8.00 am until 8.00 pm or 10.00 pm, 7 days

Some public and private urgent care clinics are open for extended hours and can provide you with timely care when it’s not a life-threatening or emergency situation.

Find your nearest Emergency Department (ED)

  • Available 24/7

For severe injuries or life-threatening illnesses, go to your nearest hospital Emergency Department (ED) or phone triple zero (000) for an ambulance. Calling 000 for help is free.

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GP (family doctor) after-hours home visits

An after-hours doctor (GP) can visit you at your home or aged care facility. If you need healthcare but your doctor (GP) is closed, the following services can help.

Health advice over the phone or online

After-hours support is available over the phone or online when you might have trouble leaving your home.

Call 13HEALTH to speak to a registered nurse

  • Call 24/7

Seek advice and instructions from a registered nurse for all kinds of health needs. Call 13 43 25 84.

After-hours GP helpline

  • 6.00 pm to 8.00 am, Monday to Friday
  • 12.00 am to 8.00 am, Saturday
  • 24 hours, Sunday

Talk to a GP when your normal doctor’s clinic is closed. Call 1300 130 147.

Not sure what kind of healthcare you might need?

For health advice available anytime, day or night, select one of the two options.